Case Studies: Real-World Success Stories of US Businesses Thriving in Costa Rica

Case Studies: Real-World Success Stories of US Businesses Thriving in Costa Rica
Photo by Rubaitul Azad / Unsplash

Costa Rica has emerged as a leading destination for US businesses seeking nearshore outsourcing solutions. With its strategic location, favorable business environment, and highly skilled workforce, Costa Rica offers a unique blend of benefits that make it an attractive option for companies looking to optimize their operations and reduce costs.

In this comprehensive article, we will explore several real-world success stories of US businesses that have thrived in Costa Rica.

Why Costa Rica?

Before diving into the case studies, it is important to understand why Costa Rica has become a preferred nearshore outsourcing destination for US businesses. Factors such as political stability, a highly educated workforce, and a robust infrastructure contribute to its appeal.

Additionally, Costa Rica's commitment to environmental sustainability and its high quality of life make it an attractive place for expatriates and local employees alike.

Case Study 1: Intel Corporation

Intel Corporation is one of the earliest and most prominent examples of a US company thriving in Costa Rica. Intel established a manufacturing plant in Costa Rica in 1997, significantly boosting the country's economy. The decision to set up operations in Costa Rica was driven by the country's political stability, highly skilled workforce, and strategic location.

Over the years, Intel has expanded its operations in Costa Rica, transforming it into a hub for research and development.

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Case Study 2: P&G (Procter & Gamble)

Procter & Gamble, another US giant, chose Costa Rica as the location for its Latin American shared services center. The center provides various back-office functions, including finance, human resources, and IT support, to P&G's operations across the Americas.

Costa Rica's skilled labor force and competitive operating costs were key factors in P&G's decision. The center has been highly successful and continues to grow, employing thousands of Costa Ricans.

Case Study 3: Amazon

Amazon's decision to open a customer service center in Costa Rica in 2008 marked another significant milestone for the country's outsourcing industry. The center handles customer service operations for the company's North American and Latin American markets. Costa Rica's bilingual workforce and strong customer service culture have contributed to Amazon's success in the region. The facility has expanded over the years, creating numerous job opportunities for locals.

Case Study 4: IBM

IBM's Global Delivery Center in Costa Rica is another testament to the country's attractiveness as a nearshore outsourcing destination. The center provides a range of IT and business process services to clients around the world. Costa Rica's talented IT professionals and robust infrastructure have played a crucial role in supporting IBM's operations. The company's commitment to sustainability and corporate social responsibility aligns well with Costa Rican values, further solidifying its presence in the country.

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Case Study 5: Western Union

Western Union, a leader in global payment services, established its Latin American operations center in Costa Rica. The center supports various functions, including finance, IT, and customer service, for Western Union's operations across the region. Costa Rica's strategic location, skilled workforce, and stable business environment were key factors in the company's decision. The center has been instrumental in enhancing Western Union's operational efficiency and customer service capabilities.


These case studies highlight the significant advantages that Costa Rica offers to US businesses seeking nearshore outsourcing solutions. The country's political stability, highly educated workforce, and robust infrastructure make it an ideal location for companies looking to optimize their operations and reduce costs. As more businesses recognize the benefits of nearshoring to Costa Rica, the country's outsourcing industry is poised for continued growth.

For companies seeking a reliable and experienced nearshore technology solutions partner, 4Geeks stands out as an excellent choice. With a proven track record of delivering high-quality services and a deep understanding of the local market, 4Geeks can help businesses achieve their outsourcing goals and drive success in Costa Rica.